Monday, January 10, 2011

Cheating on Fashion with Wellington Boots

Carrie in Sex and The City quoted "I am cheating on fashion with furniture" when Big and her moved into Heaven on Fifth.

What about me?

Well I am cheating on fashion and furniture with wellington boots and umbrellas!

It is really out of control. There is no other way to explain it.

A good friend who has been covering the floods on the ground as a news reporter (Channel 9 A Current Affair - Rebecca Bergh just in case you wonder the high level people I mix with ;) wrote on facebook:

"Summer... you have so far beeen a catastrophic disappointment"

I could not have summed it up better myself. I have been to the beach twice this summer. Once to Noooosa with Rebecca and family (post HERE) and to Bribie over the Christmas hols while the sun shone for an afternoon.

Mold is building momentum on the botched up 1950's add on area of my house and it is making me feel slightly ill. My puppy dogs smell like vomit. It really is disgusting.

Over the weekend I was involved with some sandbagging at my friends house. (see her flood story HERE) Well actually I was doing no sandbagging, I was just watching and pointing and oowwwing and aaahhhhing. Give me a break, I had just replaced one of the four pair of shoes which are now ruined and I took them out for an inaugural wear. I was not getting those sparkling babies wet! I did totally pimp her playroom though!

I am so worried for Gympie. Really worried. Pray and pray hard everyone.

So to lighten the mood I thought I would show you what I am lusting for.

Gina and May HERE for the online store and stockists.

" collections of rain umbrellas that speak to high quality and functionality..."

Hey Gina, you are speaking my language. I am boutique, and I am high quality and functional too!

These umbrellas are perfect for when the sun comes back because they are have a UPF protection factor of 25!

Carvival Long with hook handle and STYLE STYLE STYLE

Starlet Compact perfect for handbag.

Popsicles Long. SWEET.

Even manly ones.

How stylish. I love it!

Wellies Online HERE

I am loving these gumboots.
Carmel Hunter Style Gumboots on sale for under $100!

Pari Wellies

Love Gumboots

So as you can see, all I can think about is wet weather gear and combatting mold and how much my electricty bill will be with my clothes dryer going 10 hours a day.... when I just want to be doing something like this....


  1. Those handles are gorgeous, love the black and white strip umbrella. Yes fingers crossed for all those being hit the hardest with the wet weather, I remember not long ago when we were all wishing for rain.

  2. Maybe I should buy a pair of wellies? That way, according to Murphy it will stop raining.

  3. Digella, I am so happy to find you, yet so sorry to hear all you are going have a great attitude!

    I do have A Great New Giveaway from Blydesign!Come and enter!

    Art by Karena

  4. Soo depressing all this rain...good excuse to buy those great boots. Hope there's an end soon.

  5. I'm with you D, I just purchased a pair of funky welly's from Golly Galloshes to wear in our 1 1/2 acres of mud :-)

  6. It's horrible isn't it.

    My hubby and I realised only today that not one member of our family owns a raincoat and/or wellies!

  7. Hi there!
    It seems that the weather is pretty good at least in Brisbane city. But for future inconveniences :)... I've got a question, Do u know where I can find a shop in Brisbane where I could buy the original Hunter Boots? I would like to try and see them before buy them on the Internet :))
    Hope u can enlight me!!! Thanks a lot!!!!!


I enjoy hearing from everyone. Thank you so much!