Friday, January 21, 2011

Baked Relief in Lockyer Valley + My Boys


Updated daily with locations and more information.

Last night I reached the Lockyer Valley with home cooked meals to distribute and begin the 'on the ground' strategy about how the Lockyer Feed-a-thon will be coordinated.

IT WAS FANTASTIC TO HUG THE BOYS - then they went to sleep after a big day running around on the farm.

This morning I am meeting with some key people around here as well as mothers in crisis to talk about their needs and provide solutions for ongoing support through Baked Relief and Floodaid.

I am glad that I arrived after dark because the vision of the devastation was restricted to the reaching of my headlights. This was a smart thing. As the sun rises this morning I am getting ready to face it though.

What matters most is that everyone on this farm is safe and was spared the worst of it. I will meet with other families today who have no possessions left.

Baked Relief is going to do great things here, I can feel it!


  1. Glad you have been able to hug your boys, good luck with your relief work today :)

  2. Good to hear you have your family back. For me that would've been the worst. Good luck with the organising, you angel.


I enjoy hearing from everyone. Thank you so much!