Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Ironically, this month marks the point four years ago when I hit rock bottom. I was at a point of no return. It had to get better, because worse was not an option. I was blessed that the person who always made sure I was ok, and continues to ask "R U OK?" is my ex husband Mario. I owe my life to this man.

Not everyone has the support of someone to ask these questions. But you could change a life.

“In the time it takes to have your coffee, you can start a conversation that could change a life.
On R U OK?Day, who will you ask?"

   -Gavin Larkin, Founder R U OK?

D and I having coffee. Something we often do for a chat.

Go to the website

U OK? is an independent, not-for-profit organisation whose purpose is to provide national focus and leadership for ending suicide in Australia by empowering people to make a difference, encouraging open and honest communication and driving real connection. Our vision is for a society that can openly discuss suicide, and that has taken responsibility for maintaining the connections that prevent it.

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